Pattern Books – Spring 2022

Firstly, a warm HELLO to all of you!
We hope this finds you well despite such unsettling times. This is a targeted email to all the Interior Designers who’ve been lovely enough to sign up to our newsletter over the years. Some of you already hold trade accounts with us, others are new subscribers and don’t yet. So we just wanted to take this opportunity to check in, say hi, and let you know about our Wallpaper and Fabric Pattern Books that are available to order for those who might be interested.
Please click on the links below to view the complete pattern book offering…
Wallpaper was where it all started for Barneby Gates, and as such the wallpaper collection remains our largest offering – and probably what we are still best known for. We now have more than 50 designs in multiple colourways spread across 6 beautiful wallpaper books, hand-crafted here in the UK. Click on the link below to download a PDF showing the full collection of wallpaper books.
Every few years, we launch a capsule collection of fabrics based on 5 or 6 of the current best selling wallpaper designs. We now have 5 fabric pattern books, showcasing 28 designs across multiple colourways – some to match the wallpapers, others to coordinate with them. You can download a PDF showing the full range of Fabric Books by clicking the link below.
If you are not yet working with us on a trade basis and would like to, please complete our trade application form here. Carrying the complete collection of books is the tried and tested best way of selling the Barneby Gates brand to your customers. However, we understand that not everyone has the space for them all, and so investing in just three or more books is enough to increase your trade discount. Please get in touch if you’d like to order some books or if you have any questions.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email here, or you can call the studio any time on 01672 560240.
Love, Vanessa and Alice x